An ode to self-care

Contrary to popular belief - couch life has not been super conducive to using the laptop, so I have not been cranking out daily blogs like I thought might be happening. However, after getting a great blog idea from a friend last night (sadly for her it was the title for one of her assignments) the muse visited me, and I decided to walk with her into the poetry world to pen another ditty. I took a few linguistic stretches, but wasn't totally unhappy with the result, so I decided to share it with you all today. Today's lesson is in the importance of self care. Just do it!!
I send you big love from my couch!
PS one of my favourite "self-care" activities is sunset on the beach. So here is another photo from one of those trips!
Do you give up your last sip of water
To quench someone else’s thirst?
Stand farther back in the line
To let others go first?
Would you give up your shelter
To keep others from the storm?
Do you set yourself on fire
To keep other people warm?
Believe me when I tell you
I live that life myself
Oftentimes serving others
Leaving my needs on the shelf
I over ride my instincts though
I know I never should
And I will be quite honest
Self sacrifice feels good
Sometimes I think as women
We often find our worth
In serving other people.
That is our place on earth
Or at least that is what we tell ourselves
And also what we are taught
That serving is our greatest gift
And we’re selfish if we are not.
Don’t get me wrong I love to serve
It really lifts me up
But it is impossible to pour
Out of an empty cup.
We run ourselves into the ground
Till we are on our last legs
But if we do then realize
We are giving others the dregs
You see sometimes we say yes to serve
When we really need rest
And then we really are not
Giving those we love our best.
It took me long to realize
I need to serve myself
Often that is the best gift
I can give anyone else
And If I set myself on fire
To give warmth to those nearby
It might work at first
And my loved ones will be snug and dry
But soon it will consume me
That burning desire to please
And my charred remains eventually
Will get blown away on the breeze
So don’t see it as selfish
To let yourself renew
And sometimes its even important
To let others serve you!
Take time to care and nurture yourself
To laugh, to play, to live
Being whole and complete in service
Is the best gift you can give