Safiya Robinson

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What do you think of when you hear that word? Do you picture a childhood bedroom or house that you grew up in? The first apartment you rented out of university? Or a particular beach somewhere that you have visited once but long to return? Maybe you picture a person – your grandmother’s smile, or your fiance’s eyes crinkled with laughter, or your sleeping son or daughter.

And how do you feel when you hear the word? Joyful? Safe and comfortable? At peace? Or alternatively do you feel a longing for something that you can’t quite define, but you are pretty sure you will know when you get there?

What does home mean to you?

That is the question that I will be exploring over the next few months. I have always been fascinated with the idea of home. I have lived in a number of cities and countries, and numerous houses and apartments – even halls of residence. Over the years, I have had my own struggles to define home, and I have developed my own ways making the places I live feel like home. As a result I would like to write about home and would love your input! I am looking to have some conversations over the next few months with people who have found or made their home (as well as those who haven’t!). To those people who may live in the same house that they grew up in, and those who are nomadic and take their home with them. To those who have moved halfway across the world (or just around the corner or anywhere in-between) to make a new home. To those who left home and have returned, and those who have not had the chance to return. To those who live in one place but feel as though their spiritual home is somewhere else. I want to hear your thoughts about home.

My hope is to have these conversations virtually (and record them), with as many people as I can - but don’t worry – I won’t share our conversations (unless you want me to) or reveal your identity. This will be my writing project for the next few months, and I will share my discoveries through my blog – and depending on how much information I collect, I may write a longer piece on it.

Anyone who falls into any of the categories above (or any that I have not mentioned) who wants to have a conversation with me please drop me an email at or send me a message through social media and we can connect! I am looking forward to chatting with some of you and discovering what home means to you!

Sending you big love from a small island

PS I took the above photo sometime ago when I went out to do some photography in Bridgetown. These properties are chattel house style - which was a very traditional housing style here in Barbados sometime ago. I love how the occupants have customized these properties with colours and plants - they have truly made these places into home. How do you make your place of residence into home?