39 LessonsSafiya Robinson

What happened when I met Sean Croxton

39 LessonsSafiya Robinson
What happened when I met Sean Croxton

Some of you are going to scratch your head over the title of today’s lesson, especially if you don’t know who Sean Croxton is. Well I am here to tell you that he is a person, and that is really one of the big lessons I learned in San Diego a couple of weeks ago. For those of you who don’t know who he is – Sean is a phenomenal podcaster, author, you-tuber (a teenager told me that this was a word a couple of years ago), teacher, trainer, JERF bar inventor – the list goes on. I first discovered him in the “health space” where I was searching for some answers to a few health issues that I have. He has since then moved more into personal development and working with entrepreneurs as well as money mindset, and knowing him these things may be the tip of the iceberg in terms of what he will be working on in future. I also learned this weekend that he likes cool shirts and Boochcraft, has a book buying problem, watches Wonder Woman, likes hip hop and has an unbelievably comfortable couch. I can’t remember how I first encountered Sean, but I have loved listening to his work for a few years now, reading his books and watching his projects unfold. And I had the opportunity to meet him in San Diego.

I wasn’t sure what to expect. Being a girl from a small island, I would listen to podcasts or watch online business persons and think that those persons were a far cry from me, endowed with some special privilege perhaps because they live in a big city and have connections (or special powers) that I could never have from down here in little old Barbados. I have always had secret desires to start a podcast, write a book, to meet some of the persons I feel are teaching great inspirational lessons in the world – speakers, authors – and it always felt like it was out of my reach. No one ever told me that – it was just something that I believed. However, by a series of fortunate coincidences, I made the decision to go to San Diego, and take the opportunity to meet one of these persons in the flesh while I was there.

Sean is a great person. He is an awesome host, he is friendly and generous, and he swears a little. And one of the things he said and believes is that we are all as powerful as the creators and inventors out there (as well as the podcasters, entrepreneurs and teachers that we see online or on TV). They do not have special powers, and we can do anything that we see them do if we want to and put our minds to it. And for a girl from a small island that resonated with me. Because, standing there in the beautiful city of San Diego, I was able to meet Sean, and I felt like anything was possible. Because Sean is an ordinary person. And if he can do it then so can I. And that is not to belittle his amazing achievements, it is for me to realise that often I am in a cage of my own building, how the boundaries I have are often the ones that I set before myself. It was for me to stop asking “why can’t I do such and such” and start asking “how can I do such and such”. It is for me to believe that I can, because in doing so, I may find the way to do it. It is too easy to look at things that people achieve and say I can’t do that because I am not – fill in the blanks. And sometimes it may even be true. But then I remind myself of what I could achieve if I looked for a path instead of an obstacle, given that I am likely to find either depending on what I am focused on finding. I might not even achieve exactly what someone else achieves, or alternatively I might far surpass him/her. The people that I see, or listen to put their pants on one leg at a time like everyone else. And it was nice to remind myself of that, because it was just the push I needed to get back to those big dreams.

If there was one message that all of us who spent time with Sean that weekend learned it was that we are as capable as he or anyone else is of dreaming, of creating, and we just need to push through those doubts and resistances we have and to just begin. Not to be afraid of making mistakes, or criticism, but to begin and be open. Thanks Sean! Next time I am in San Diego I’m popping by for a movie and some more Boochcraft. Today you are my 41st lesson.

I send you all big love from a small island.

Ps The next person I want to meet is Simon T Bailey. If anyone has any suggestions then let me know!!! I am sure he is an ordinary person too, but I would just like to double check on that one!!

Pps the above photo is the hop-on hop-off trolley that I took on one of my free days to tour the city. It was fun...