Story to Author - Write your book and share it with the world!
You are ready to write a book, or you might have even started one, but you aren’t making the progress you thought. Or you may have already tried to write a book in the past, but you didn’t finish it, lost momentum, or life happened. But you know that deep down inside there is a story, or a message that needs to come out.
You know you're meant to write a book. Maybe you've known it for years. Maybe you are constantly asking yourself why you haven't done it yet.
You might have told yourself that you don’t have the skills to write the book.
You might not even be 100% sure what you want it to be about, or you worry that you don't have enough ideas to finish a book.
Perhaps you're a coach or business owner who has a regular writing practice and who is sure they have a book inside of them. The only problem - it won't come out!
Or, you got so in your head that you haven’t gotten out of the first paragraph, the first page or first chapter, as you keep going back to make it perfect, and you get stuck in a loop of editing before you finish.
You might even have sat down to write this so many times - you might have even gotten 30K words in, and then life got in the way, and the book no longer seemed manageable.
Maybe you worry you aren't a good enough writer, or the idea of sharing your work or self-publishing intimidates or even scares you.
If this is you - then you are in the right place!
Story to Author is a group coaching program that coaches and guides you through writing and self-publishing your book.
I’m ready to buy!!
I'm Safiya Robinson - a writing coach, editor and self-publishing consultant and I believe that we are all connected through our stories.
For years, I wanted to write a book and felt stuck. It was only when I leaned into my own writing style, and found a coach and a community of writers that I was able to finish my first book and go on to write four books in the past four years, self-publish and guide authors through that process as well.
And I can help you hit that goal of sharing your book with the world as well!
So if you want to finish that book you’ve been dreaming of then come and join us!
Imagine if you could:
Build a writing habit that allowed you to get all the way to the end of your book without being stuck on page one, deleting and rewriting.
Gain confidence in writing and sharing your work and begin to build an audience excited to read your work.
Stop editing yourself repeatedly and generate enough ideas to finish a whole book (and more).
Reach a wider audience than you can through your business alone, and share your story, work and method farther afield.
Amplify your message, and connect to your audience in a way that is uncensored.
Hold a copy of your book in your hands.
Become the author you dreamed of becoming.
Together with me and a group of fellow authors you will go from idea to book.
How does it work?
Over the first 6 months of 2023, you'll have a one-on-one call and 2 group calls each month where you will decide on the idea/theme for your book, outline it and receive coaching and support while you write it. You will also learn about the steps for self-publishing, building your audience and launching your book from me and guest speakers, so that you can write and sell your book to a group of people who need your message and who can't wait to read it!
You can do this! Even if you have terrible memories of English class or you aren't sure your writing is up to scratch, working with me, you can turn your idea into a book your audience will love.
Are you ready to write and self-publish your book?
Are you ready to be a finisher?
Story to author will help you become the person who writes and self-publishes your book.
There’s a reason you haven’t written your book yet - there is a becoming that has to show up alongside it. Having the book is great, but who you become as an author is even more incredible.
In this program, you will learn so much about yourself. In addition, there is an energy that comes with finishing your book that spills over into other areas of your life. You become a person who is capable of more than you could imagine.
Are you ready? Then sign up below to join us from the 1st of November!
Who is this program for?
This is for you if you:
Have been talking about or thinking about writing a book for years and are ready to take action.
Have a regular writing practice.
Have started writing your book, and want to work with a coach so that you can bring that idea into reality.
Want to increase your confidence as a writer.
Want to find a way to write that works well for you, connects with your audience and makes the most of your style and interests.
Want to get the words out of your head, and write the story you have been dreaming about.
This is NOT for you if you:
Want technical help to build a website or blog.
Want guidance or training on SEO, traditional publishing or freelance writing.
Are looking for a ghostwriter or copywriter.
Don’t have the time or energy to write.
(Please note - program includes coaching through book outlining, writing and marketing as well as workshops/guidance through the self-publishing process. It does not include having your book edited, internal/cover layout and design or distribution.)
Are you ready to become the author you dreamed of being?
Join below by selecting one of our payment options!
We start in mid January!