5 Tweaks I am loving in this season of change...

5 Tweaks I am loving in this season of change...

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This is a part of the October 2020 blog challenge. You can find the other posts here.

I once considered starting a YouTube channel called Tweaks where I tweaked recipes and videoed them. The reason I didn't start it - I have no interest in a YouTube channel. What was I thinking???? (Note - this was written in October 2022 before I started my current YouTube channel!!!)

But the reason I wanted to start it is because I love tweaks. I love that sometimes small changes can have a big impact on recipes and in life.

A pinch of cinnamon, splash of vanilla, swapping out plain milk for coconut milk, even using a different pan or changing the oven temperature can give you an entirely different treat, and lifestyle tweaks can do the same.

So during this time of big change brought to us by 2020, here are 5 tweaks that I made, that have had a real positive impact on my life and well-being. 

1. No underwire. I have always hated underwire bras. The digging and poking. The wires that would pop out and attempt to impale me while I am in the middle of baking something, or working with a patient. I just didn't think that at my bra size I could find a supportive bra without an underwire. I honestly thought that going wire free was for the smaller boobed among us.

But during our lockdown, I spent most of my days in the house (bra-free) and the first time I put on an underwire bra, I realized that I could not go back to wearing those uncomfortable things. I have always struggled to find my bra size anyway, especially here in Barbados, and I had not seen anything in my size without underwire.

However, one tweak that many service providers made during the lockdown was bringing their work online. Fortunately for me, that included Weir Wonderful fit and the amazing Kate Weir the Bra whisperer. She did a great presentation on bra fit and assured me that I could find a bra without underwire. I found some and ordered them a few weeks ago and they are finally here! In the meantime I've mostly been wearing sport bras without underwire. It has been utter bliss and I cannot wait to switch out all of my bras for the underwire free life!

2. Infused water. Now I didn't invent this (obvs) and I had tried lemon water before in an attempt to drink more water. It didn’t work. Call me crazy but I think water is best drunk with a perfectly steeped teabag and a splash of milk. But Someone recently introduced me to herb infused water - where I can leave a sprig of thyme or mint in my water bottle over night, and it really was cool and refreshing! So for now, I have found a new way to drink my water that is absolutely delightful!

3. My own office. Needing to change jobs was one of the hardest parts of this year. But in one of the places where I work - I have my own little office, and it is like the delightful treat I never knew I needed!! It is a tiny room, with air conditioning and a little desk where I can close the door and have some downtime and a minute to myself. No more crying in the bathroom!! LOL! Seriously, it has been nice to have some space to myself during the day, and has given me a real clue into what helps my well-being while I am at work. Even though I only work there once a week, having a little room to myself is a wonderful tweak that I am enjoying.

4. Straight change. I currently use more public transportation than I have done for many years, and one thing that has made that transition easier is a bag full of change. I thought about what would make that situation easier, and realized it was having straight change to pay with. It was just one less thing for me to think about (especially because I hardly carry cash around, and have been known to get onto the bus before realizing that I didn’t have any money in my pocket!) So, every couple of weeks, I get an enormous bag of change, and that small tweak has made such a difference to how easily I move around.

5. Deccaffination. I never thought I would say this, but a couple of months ago I accidentally gave up caffeine, and it has actually improved my life. I am a bit surprised - firstly because I never thought I would give up caffeine, and secondly because I didn’t think it affected me that much.

But what happened was that I was actually trying to give up the French Vanilla coffee creamer that I had accidentally become addicted to during the lockdown. As someone who has not taken sugar in my tea or coffee for about 20 years, I have decided to blame the global pandemic for my love for French Vanilla creamer one day when I went to the supermarket (on my weekly shopping day) and that was all there was on the shelf.

In an attempt to give it up once our supply chain returned to normal, I decided to go without my coffee for a few days, and drink tea instead. The headache that arrived was unbelievable. That low grade caffeine withdrawal headache that makes it feel like I just wanted to saw my head off and set it aside for a few days. In addition, I only had decaffeinated tea in the house. So once the headache went away, I realized that I didn’t want to go through that experience again, and ever since, I have been drinking decaff tea and the occasional decaff coffee (with a splash of milk). I miss my French Vanilla days, but I am actually sleeping better at night, so I will be sticking with this routine for the moment.

So there you have it! 5 tweaks that I have introduced in this season of change that are bringing me a little ease in my day.

What tweaks have you made or can you make that will bring some ease to your life?

I’d love to hear them! And I send you big love from a small island.

PS the photo above is a throwback to my coffee days, and a wonderful tweak that a Barista in a little cafe in Leamington Spa made was the lovely coffee art! It is still one of my favourite cups of coffee of all time!