What will your next book be?
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For many years, from the time I was a child, I felt as if I wanted to write a book. I used to write essays and poetry for competitions at the library, and dreamed of seeing the book out there with my name on it. As a teenager, I asked my English teacher if he would help me publish a book if I wrote it, and he said yes. (I wonder if he remembers that!) And that desire to write a book never went away.
Over the years, I even started a number of books which I never finished, feeling discouraged with the thoughts that - I didn’t have enough ideas, or that they weren’t good enough. I’d run out of steam after a few pages in some cases, a few chapters in others, and a few paragraphs in others. But even with those feelings of discouragement, I never totally gave up the idea of writing a book.
Then, 4 years ago after I had started this blog, I met a writing coach, and in a conversation with her, I told her that I really wanted to write a book, but I had no idea what I wanted it to be about. She laughed and told me that if I really wanted to write a book that badly, that I definitely knew what it was going to be about. The funny thing was - she was right! I discovered during a meditation soon after that an idea I thought was supposed to be a TED talk was actually going to be the topic of my first book - Everything is a thing. In hindsight, I have no idea why I thought it was going to be a TED talk - I hate public speaking!
And ironically, when I sat to write it as a TED talk, I only wrote 3 paragraphs. Once I realized it was the idea for a book, I was able to write and self-publish it. I learned so many valuable lessons during that process, but the first one stuck with me - if you are feeling that pull to write a book, you already know what it’s going to be about.
This is something I have seen play out in my life, as well as in the lives of my clients, and I also believe it’s true for you. If the question “what should I write my book about” is plaguing you, then I hope that this resource is useful. I have recorded a guided visualization to help you use your inner guidance to bring that idea forward for your next book!
If you are skeptcal, so was I! And I should say - I am not a regular meditator, and even so - I found the process super helpful in deciding on the topic for my next book, so I encourage you to try it and let me know how it went! You will find the audio below.
Reach out to me to let me know what you came up with! I would love to hear about your experience with the audio, and what came forward for your book idea.
I look forward to hearing from you, and I send you big love from a small island.
PS - Love what you read? All content here is lovingly created by yours truly! Want to support my work? Then buy me a cup of tea!!
PPS - This is the fourth writing exercise in a mini series I did in my newsletter. Come join us for more fun and inspiring content!